Friday, August 18

Sunday Six: Early

Theme: School

1. What are school supplies?
Linc: Kisses
Lawson: Smiles

2. Who usually buys the school supplies?
Linc: Jelly Beans
Laws: Spits up

3. What do you carry your supplies in?
Linc: Chocolate Kisses (OK, we know what he has on his mind!!)

4. Do you take your lunch to school?
Linc: Yes (he doesn't go to school)
Law: says nothing

5. What is your favorite school book?
Linc: Elmo
Law: Put's slinky in mouth

6. Do you have a backpack? Is so, what does it look like?
Linc: Yes, Green with froggies on it
Law: Lincoln answers for Lawson and says he has a new blue backpack

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I need some candy too...I haven't had chocolate in a while. I think Lincoln is on to something!