Tuesday, August 15


Lawson waved for the 1st time today for our photographer, I thought it was just a fluke. That night I was telling Ron about it at the dinner table and Lawson looks right at me with a HUGE smile and waves at me, for real real.... So now when we or anyone in public waves to him he waves right back, it is too cute!!!
Lawson also got tooth #2 this morning. I figured that was the explanation to his tough day yesterday. He isn't himself today, so hopefully by tomorrow it won't be bothering him anymore. Lincoln had a make up Kindermusic class today, loved it. Then we met up with some friends for lunch.... Now it's naptime...
Lawson has been saying "da da" all day long for 2 days and Lincoln is constantly telling him "daddy's not home Lawsy, he is at work".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor thing! I hope he is in a better mood soon! Congratulations on the new tooth. Give both of the boys a big hug for me!!