Monday, September 3

Happy Labor Day

Hope all our family and friends are having a Great Labor Day!!!We woke up and made a HUGE breakfast, Ron and Leo headed out to hit some golf balls, boys and I played outside then came inside to do some painting. We will probably head to the park in a bit. Anybody have any exciting plans to share??
(Lincoln has his first day of preschool tomorrow, afternoon 12:30-3:30). Bittersweet for me. BUT I'm really not missing out on time with him because if he wasn't in preschool on Tues and Thurs, this is his naptime anyway. He would just be at home napping, so really it's ok!! I guess he will just miss a nap on preschool days, or else he will just take a LATE nap afterwards... Of course, I'll let you know how his 1st day goes. He. Is. So. Excited....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Labor Day was great. Mom made a terrific dinner here. Totally wish you all could have come up for our engagement party.