Wednesday, September 26

Clean House Wednesday

We have a cleaning lady come in twice a month to deep clean the house. I love those days. Today was her day to come. I love today!!

Yesterday, after Lawson's gymnastics class we made it to the story time at the local library. After coming home for lunch, Lincoln headed off to preschool. After Ron came home, we had a great bike after dinner and practiced ball with Lincoln. Today, we had our bible study, and afterwards the boys had great naps. We sure have had a good start to a perfect week.

Today at Bible study, Lawson ran down the hall as fast as he could to his classroom, and tried to crawl over the baby gate to get into his room. Wow, what a change last week was his first week and he cried when I dropped him off. I guess he is already adjusted... And Lincoln loves his new Bible School class and teachers. He always goes by his class room from last year which has the 2 same teachers, and says hi and gives them a hug. He knows he is growing up and is in the Red Lambs now and not the yellow lambs. Lawson is a white lamb.

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