Wednesday, October 24


For those of you that have witnessed or may have even attempted the almost impossible diaper change on Lawson. Imagine how difficult it has been for me to put on socks, shoes, diaper, pants, shirt, and jacket.... I am not exagerating when I tell you this is a complete work out for me. We literally are rolling around the floor as he struggles. He hates any clothes on him. And he is strong. Very strong. I challenge anyone in a complete dressing of this child. It's going to be a long winter....
BUT let me tell you how adorable he looks in his cold weather clothes... His long sleeved button downs and khaki pants, make him look so grown up.... He got SO many random comments today on how cute he was.... It's the blonde hair and blue eyes that capture everyone's attention. AND he has become quite the show off/ flirter to passerby's. He learned this from his big brother, who he calls Bubba....


Anonymous said...

Bubba #2???

Anonymous said...

adorable. pretty spiffy kid! He's haven fun.