Wednesday, October 17

Sick Lawson

No wonder Lawson hasn't been feeling well.... He has stinkin PNEMONIA.... Poor thing. He is in high spirits though, just a bit cranky and a horribly yucky sounding cough.... We will treat with 10 days of antibiotics and daily breathing treatments with the nebulizer. He's not contageous. He will have another chest xray in 3 weeks to make sure it's cleared up....Please pray for fast healing and a full recovery of his lungs.


Anonymous said...

Get well Lawsy. Sorry to hear that you are sick. You have to do your breathing treatments...that will help you. Big Hugs to you Little Boy. Miss you sweet heart XOXOXOOXOOXOXOOXOOXOX

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry to hear that my little man is so very sick. I knew his cough sounded bad when we were there. I hope that he starts feeling better really soon!!

tribal belle of the world said...

awwww poor thing hope he feels better