Wednesday, October 17


Dear Next Door Neighbors,

Next year for Halloween, please consider not putting up this BIG SCARY thing in your yard facing us. The boys are terrified. They do this thing where they walk up as close as they are brave enough to, then they run full speed back into our yard.
Thank You,
Your Scaredy Cat Neighbors


tribal belle of the world said...

aww poor things

Anonymous said...

Yikes, That is really scary. I would probably go and take it down one night.....they would never know where it went. LOL I'm not kidding. PS Ron, pumpkins on the mile markers along 34b. You still have it in you.

Brody said...

I would be scared of those things, too!

Anonymous said...

It's looks like Lincoln is having fun running away from it. Hopefully he'll have some good memories from it in the future.