Friday, October 19


When it rains it pours, so they say. So, it's storming over here!!
Lawson isn't doing better, so he has to go back to the dr today at 2pm for a followup. Breathing treatments have been somewhat impossible, but I have some new idea's from friends to try out.
I pick up Lincoln (usually) from the carpool line, so I don't have to get Lawson out of the carseat and take him inside the school where he usually ends up having a tantrum bc he wants to play with all the toys in Lincoln's room. Anyway, so I do the same thing everytime. they put Lincoln in the car, then I pull up and buckle him in, then I get out of the driveway of the school so the others can get out. As soon as I get out of the driveway, I turn around and give both boys their sippy cup and a snack. Then I put on my seatbelt. I do this same exact routine every time, that's how we operate.... However, yesterday there was a police officer parked outside of the school, pulled me over, and issued me a TICKET for not wearing a seat belt. No mercy... Isn't there something better for these police officers to be doing than sitting in front of schools and issueing stay at home moms tickets after picking up their kids from preschool??? Bummer... Ron told me not to let it bother me.... But you know how I am....
I did have a great time last night at The Melting Pot. I am a discussion group leader for a table of 8, and 5 of us made it out last night. A great group of moms.... We all have so much in common, including same age kids...
Our community garage sale is tomorrow am, and Lincoln has a game at 11:30...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That silly officer! To all our family and friends that serve our communities, we really appreciate you guys. Next time we're all together please give Cyn some pointers on proper ticket avoidance techniques.