Wednesday, November 15

Good Bye Ole Friend....

Lawson has gone 4 whole days now without his paci, so we are going to make them all disappear. Easier now then later. He just isn't interested in it, and throws it on the ground. Don't want to force the issue!!

On another note, Lawson is taking his first few steps. He can stand, bend over to pick something up, stand back up, and he has been taking up to 3 steps. He does it so carefully and so thought out. It won't be long before he is walking, and we sure aren't pushing it. He'll do it in his own time!!

Lawson got tooth 4, so now he has 2 on top and 2 on bottom.

Still waiting for more hair to come in to see if it will be straight or curly (I'm still going for curly and ron straight...)


Anonymous said...

He's grown up so much since I've seen him!! I can't wait to see both boys next week!!

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling he's going to be walking all over the place when he's here next week...can't wait!! Bring a paci just in case.

Oh yeah - you may want to bring a couple pillows and maybe a blanket. I want to make sure everyone's comfy!!