Saturday, February 10


Does anyone remember the first time they chewed a piece of gum. I don't. Tonight, Lincoln had his first ever piece of gum. Pretty Exciting, he has been asking for a whole year to try gum and I just have not allowed it. Well, he has been chewing the same piece for 2 hrs now, and he thinks that it. is. so. very. cool.


Anonymous said...

That's fun! I remember when I was little that I would put an old piece of gum on the headboard of the bed to save for the next day. I think I had read that in a book...hopefully I didn't think that up on my own! :)

Anonymous said...

It was part of an old song that you may have heard! I remember Cindi having gum in her curly hair that I had to try to get out. I probably ended up cutting it!