Monday, October 30

Hay Ride

Emily, Darla, Cynthia, Lawson on hayride.
Lincoln and Ron

Here are a few pics from the Holloween party last night, on the hayride....

Lincoln will be Elmo for Holloween, but wore his last yr froggy costume to this party b/c they had jump houses, etc... and it was more practical for that...

Lincoln wore his Elmo to the Kroger party today, and it was a big hit with ALL the kiddo's. They were ALL coming up to him, and he felt the need to walk around and wave at everyone.
When he wore his Elmo costume to a bday party last week, after he took it off, it got passed around for all the other kids to take turn being Elmo. Thanks Grammy!!


What a day we had today!!
1. Ran tons of errands.
2. Went to toddler time at Barnes and Nobles, met the twins there.
3. Went with the twins and their mom to Chick Fil A for lunch and some play time.
4. Went to the photographers to pick up the tuxedo pics for the boys, turned out cute!!
5. Went to a Holloween party at Kroger: games, trick or treat, fun houses, etc...
6. Came home for dinner, took puppy on a walk to look at holloween decorations...
7. Packaged 9 things to go to the post office, sold on e-bay.
8. What a day!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so the ebay sales are doing good. I'll have to learn how to do that...