Thursday, October 19


Ok, I have been asked to expand on my interesting day today, so here is just a few things that come to mind:
1. Kirby pooping inside.
2. Lincoln having not one, but two potty accidents (he NEVER has accidents!)
3. Me having to go to the DR and get a HUGE shot in my you know where.
4. Took Lawson to top of the maze at McDonalds. Didn't have anything with me to wipe up his vomit, so had to take sweater off and wipe it up. Meanwhile I was at the very top looking out the "bubble" and I see Lincoln walking out of the RR holding his pants in one hand and his underpants in the other. He decided to go to the potty by himself.
5. Lincoln was in a "naughty" mood all day, I don't know what got into him. He just wasn't himself: (maybe adjustment to dog??, taking more of my attention away??). He was put into his room or in a time out one after another....
6. Anyway, it was just one of those days...

BUT I still am thankful for this day, and now all the boys in the house including the puppy are crashed and I am very relaxed, ready for bed, and hope to start a new GREAT day tomorrow!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow...what a day! A little boy at Sea Island last night pulled a stunt similar to Lincoln...though he kept his underpants on!! I am proud of Lincoln for seeking out the restroom when the time arose. He's growing up too fast. I hope you were able to wash your sweater and wear it again - eww.

I didn't even realize that you are still the only female in the house since Kirby's a boy!! You are being taken over by testosterone!!

Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard when I was reading this!! It was really funny! I'm glad you can still be thankful!

Anonymous said...

what a day. Walking out of the restaurant NAKED.....oh my gosh. I would have payed to see the look on your face!!!

Anonymous said...

oh the restroom....