Sunday, August 26

Weekend Visitors

We had a great time with our visitors this weekend, Tom, Courtney and Bristol. Here are a few pictures. Courteny has all the good ones, I was too busy chasing Lawson who was chasing Bristol (he thought she was a toy, sorry Bristol...) Come back soon if we didn't scare you off....


Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a good time. Looking forward to seeing you and the gang next weekend and Tom and his gang the weekend after that.

Thank you for the correction on the family pic...can't really remember London Bridges. Two people hold hands and a third is stuck in the middle, but can't remember why.

I was careful when I took the 100,000 picture...I knew I should have cropped out the speed!! : )

Anonymous said...

Beautiful grandkids I have!!! I'm glad they are such close in ages!!