Wednesday, August 22


While my Mom was visiting, I realized that I DID inherit some things from her (most would agree that we are pretty different...). Here are a few of things I discovered came straight from her. (Mom, can you think of any more???)

1. My need to arrive everywhere 15 minutes early, at least. Or 30 minutes. Then I wonder why I rushed to get there early.

2. Folding laundry stinks, but doing dishes is okay.

3. Taking LOTS and LOTS of pictures....

4. Using coupons, and being "sneaky" with them.

5. Being able to sit and watch the kids play for hours on end. Love to watch them.

6. Insomnia, but also naps.

7. Reality tv, but no I just can't stand big brother...

8. Cats over Dogs.

9. I like to make swedish pancakes and chocolate chip cookies. Love to bake for and with the kids. And breakfast is okay to eat for dinner if Daddy isn't coming home to eat.

10. Would rather spend money on kids or hubby than myself. I do go shopping for myself, but then I end up coming home with some things for the boys... My Mom always does this. Sometimes it's just hard to spend money on myself.

11. People watching/observing. What are they thinking???


Anonymous said...

Perfect Cindi!! I also loved being home with you guys and not having to work!

Jennifer said...

Like mother, like daughter!! Mom and I have some weird connection...I always seem to be thinking whatever she starts to talk about (the only other person I have this connection with is Mark).