Tuesday, September 1

Lawson starts Preschool

My pictures still aren't looking clear when I blog them (???), but oh well you can get the picture. Today was Lawson's 1st day of preschool. He is going to a church based preschool at a school that has been around for over 25 years and has a great reputation in the area. He will be going on Tuesday's and Thursday from 9-1. So, it's not too long and not too short. That gives Mommy 10 hrs a week of childfree time to catch up on Mommy things, then of course when the baby comes in April there will be no more childfree time! I'm ok with that, I'm one of those mommy's that doesn't necessarily want or need too much me time.
I spent my time today walking the mall (putting a little damage on the card), then lunch with Ron. 5 hrs goes by really fast!
Lawson's teacher had a great report on Lawson. She was shocked that this was his 1st year in preschool b/c she said that he raised his hand, asked before he did anything, asked questions, etc...
Lawson reports that he liked it, and didn't understand why he can't go back tomorrow and has to wait until Thursday. He said he made one good friend today, and that friend also kicked him in the head, but he is still his friend!

1 comment:

cwmomof3 said...

Enjoy the time off now. I remember when I first had Tori she cried all the time so everytime I went to pick up Maddie and Ryan at pre-school I had to have a screaming baby with me. This went on for months!
As far as the twins riding the bus, Ryan qualifies because he's special needs but Maddie doesn't so they're not riding it. I'm doing the drop off/pick up. It's getting better.