Thursday, September 3

Random Info

For those bloggers out there that don't read Facebook, I'll give you a quick update!

Next week, Lincoln has to have one of his front teeth pulled. Ouch! It's basically dead and is abcessing and infecting. So, he will get some laughing gas and have it yanked. He's actually excited about it. Crazy.

I had a sono today. Got some pictures of the little "lima" bean. Heard the heartbeat. All looks great, the baby has connected properly, etc... Got 2 different nausea medicines to try. Due date is still April 22, 2010.

Wondering why I laugh and crack up so much some times when I am supposed to be disciplining or "giving a talking to" the boys. I hate that! And now that I am so hormonal/emotional, sometimes I just start cracking up at the boys. Wierd.

Lincoln started piano lessons with a new teacher, she is keeping him on his toes. He is learning to identify the notes on the staff. All cows eat grass. All dogs fight big animals. I'm learning along with him.

Lawson has had 2 T-ball practices and his 1st game is coming up soon. That boy is GOOD. It's so fun to watch him b/c not only does he have that strength and natural athletic ability, but he takes the whole thing so seriously and he definitely has a huge competitive edge.


Tiffany said...

I am so happy everything is going well. So many blessings. Love from Appalachia,


Jen said...

I love the new look of the blog!

cwmomof3 said...

Thanks for the update for us non facebookers! I do the laughing thing when disciplining too, and I'm not even pregnant!