Thursday, September 10

Blue Tooth

Yesterday, Lincoln had to have his front top tooth extracted. Ouch!! They gave him laughing gas and plenty of novocaine. In his words, "it went perfect, I just relaxed". He had to have it removed because it was hurting him, and was basically dying/dead with an infection starting in the roots... So, I took him out of school, and we headed to the dreaded (for me) appointment. Thank Goodness for the massage chair they have in the waiting room. I'm guessing that's why they have it there, for the worried parents waiting. He was in a little bit of pain afterwards when the numbness was wearing off, and he bled a lot for a couple of hours.
Normally, I wouldn't post a picture of a lost tooth, but he insists on it! He talked me into taking pictures and wanted to post it on the blog because his Aunt Jen asked him to! And of course, he painted his tooth blue because the Art teacher told him he would get more money from the tooth fairy. She was right, He did.


Aunt Jen said...

I'm so glad you posted a picture! I love the blue tooth! The tooth fairy is going to go know both boys are going to insist on painting all lost teeth from now on : )

thomas said...

Lincoln could have put his tooth in the little toy cell phone that he had and he could brag to the other kids that he his phone had a Blue Tooth, hands free feature.