Wednesday, September 16

Seasons of Changes

At this season of my life, a lot is happening and a lot of things are changing. I am a creature of habit, and don't always feel comfortable with change, so I'm just trying to take everything one step at a time.

Of course the biggest event occurring in our lives is the anticipation of our new baby. I have to say, I am still in shock and reality has not hit home as of yet. As with the other 2 pregnancies, I am not feeling well. Lot's of nausea, loss of energy, and restless sleep. Don't get me wrong, I AM NOT complaining!!! I realize by now that this is a small price to pay for the blessing at the end. Hopefully it won't be too many more weeks of feeling bad, and looking back I'm pretty sure that I'm not nearly as sick as I was with the boys. I'm definitely eating a lot more this time. (I am 9.5 weeks along). I've heard that you start showing sooner with each pregnancy, and I have to say this is my 3rd pregnancy and I popped right out!

I've started a new bible study, today was our 2nd meeting. Ends up 4 of the other women at my small table are previous friends so that's a big bonus for me. When I signed up for this study I did it "alone" and didn't realize so many other women I know were joining as well. This bible study is held at our church, and is Priscilla Shirer's, Discerning the Voice of God. I've taken a study by her before and she is amazing. We have about 75 (???) women in this bible study, so it is huge and powerful, I'm enjoying it. Ron has tried out the Wednesday morning men's bible study led by the pastor and assistant pastor, and I think he will go when he is in town and is able, it's at 6:30 in the morning so that's perfect since he is an early bird.

Ron and I started a new couple's small group, it meets on Sunday nights (only twice a month). The kids go to their own "meeting" at the church and we drive out to Copper Canyon where our group meets. This is going to be a good thing for Ron and I to do together!

Started MOPS for the year. This will be my 6th year in MOPS, and my 1st year in 5 years to not be a discussion group leader. I'm going to enjoy the semester being "just a member", and hopefully by next year be able to step to leadership again.

Lincoln continues piano with a new teacher. He is progressing well. He is reading music now. Doesn't care much for practicing but looks forward to the lessons. We aren't going to let him "quit" like he wants to right now.

Lawson is enjoying his T-ball team, unfortunately the 1st 2 games have rained out so he hasn't gotten to have the "real" experience yet. Hoping to have a game on Saturday.

Apparently Lincoln is excelling in Kindergarten. His teacher defined him as being a "Model Student". We'll see when report cards come out next week. He loves it, and his only complaint is that it is too long (which it is...). He already has a "girlfriend". And pretty much she is the only one I've heard about. I went up to eat lunch with him this week, kind of gave me a birds eye view of his interactions. Maybe it's because I was there with him, but all the girls were trying to talk to him and give him attention. It was pretty funny. I'm going to do some volunteering in his classroom, but am waiting for a background check to go through.

Lawson loves his preschool class. Today they get to make their own pizzas, so he was excited about that. He goes to music on Tuesday's and motor skills on Thursday's. He has a friend that we sometimes bring home with us, they have some playtime and his mom can pick him up here. He loves having a friend over, especially since Lincoln isn't here and also he has always seen Lincoln have friends come over to play and now it's his turn to have someone.

I have to formally recognize my husband. Helpful husband this week! He went shopping, wrote out a menu and agreed to do the dinner cooking for the entire week! That is a huge help for me, and I want to let him know I appreciate this little pregnancy break.


Anonymous said...

That is soooo sweet of Ron to do the cooking this week. You are a lucky woman.
Aunt Debbie

Tom said...

Thanks for the great updates on everyone. So many exciting things going on for you all. Hope you start feeling better soon but am glad you have been able to keep so positive and focused while getting through this difficult part of pregnancy. We will continue to say some prayers for you over here. Hope you all have a great weekend!!