Friday, August 22

Christmas List

So when did my 4 year old grow up and become a teenager??? We have to put together Christmas/Birthday lists pretty early, because at this point they don't get anything new... I always just say lets put it on your Christmas list. So, Lincoln at age 4 has been putting together his own list.

This is it, so far...
Cell Phone
CD Player
Game Boy Games
Digital Camera
A Pet Parrot

So I was wondering where are all the Elmo toys??? He is such a "teenager"!!
(BTW, Mom I have been putting a list together myself from him for you...)


tribal belle of the world said...

omg tht looks like my christmas list lol. i want a cell phone, ipod, digital camera to lol

cwmomof3 said...

he has turned into a little teenager. sigh.....

Anonymous said...

that is"s much technology