Thursday, December 7

Little Bit of SAD news

Good Bye Justice, thanks for all the good memories!!

Bad news for us, but good news for our kitty Justice.

Today, Justice was adopted. It was just getting too cold for Justice outside here, so I located her a good home. The women who adopted her is an older women living in a town home. It will just be the 2 of them. She will get lot's of attention, and she will stay warm. Her name is Donna, and Donna already emailed me some pics of her in her new home. I have to say, she did look pretty happy:

This is Justice in her new home tonight: we sent her with her favorite kitty bed!! Lincoln and I are very sad tonight.


Anonymous said...

Oh...That's enough to make me cry. Oh. Is he doing ok? Are you doing ok?

Anonymous said...

Jeremy wants to know how it could be to cold for a cat?

Flower Mound Mom said...

Jeremy, are you serious?? How can a cat not be cold in 17 degree weather. Especially a cat who has never been out of Texas....

Anonymous said...

I'm so sad but I know he's happy. Will you be able to visit?

Anonymous said...

The cat came back......How wonderful. The cat came back....we thought it was a gonner but the cat came mid december....horray!!!! the dog went away.