Monday, December 11

Cake For Lawson

Waited until we got home to let Lawson dig into some birthday cake. His first time having cake, he had more fun playing with it than eating it. And it was EVERYWHERE.... This is really gross.... I put it down on his tray before I cleaned up his dinner, so there are noodles and green beans mixed in with the cake, yuckkkkk


Anonymous said...

LOL...Oh my Gosh. Lawsy, that must have been really good huh. Wow. What color was the bath water after he was done.

Anonymous said...

it looks like there was cake flying every were

Anonymous said...

OMG...looks like he had a blast!! He'll love his birthday now that he's had practice with the cake!

Flower Mound Mom said...

La La, you absolutely correct, the cake was everywhere. It was not a fun cleanup, and I decided for his 1st Birthday party we will have a vanilla cake!!