Tuesday, August 25

Preggers Update

Here's some answers to some questions I have gotten and haven't responded.

Were we trying to have another baby, or was this a surprise?
Yes, we wanted to have baby #3. Ron and I both always wanted a large family and we knew we weren't "complete" yet with just the 2. About a year ago, we were totally certain that we were done. However, we quickly changed our minds.

Will we find out the gender?
Yes, of course!!! No need for all that extra anxiety. I like to plan/prepare, and I think it helps to "bond" with your baby if you can start calling "it" a he/she.
Of course, each is own, I know plenty of moms/dad that aren't finding out. So for those out there, I'm keeping the gender a secret from you (since you like surprises). Just kidding.

Are we hoping for a girl or boy?
No preference. I definitely will be happy with 3 boys!!! A girl would be nice, too. But I think we win either way at this point. (I have this secret hope that I am having twins...) (and, no, twins don't run in either side of our family)

How am I feeling?
Not too bad. Yet. Hopefully this pregnancy will be easier on me than the 1st two. No vomitting yet, just a bit queezy. And boy, have I been hungry. It feels like I am always starving, and I never get full. If this keeps up, I'm going to gain a ton of weight. (45lbs with Lincoln, 19 with Lawson).


Jenny said...

Yeah! So glad you are expanding your family. 3 is so much fun! And, I understand the desire for twins! After having my third I feel like I need to give him a playmate too! So glad things are going well!

Anonymous said...

LOL...you are making me laugh....I HOPE YOU HAVE TWINS TOO.... I hope all boys...that would be awesome....then I want to have ALLL BOYS>.....so that our whole family only has boys, for some reason i think that sounds cool...all boys, reaah