Friday, August 14

6th Floor Museum

While my mom was here, we did something very "touristy". We visited the 6th Floor Museum, where President JFK was shot from here in Dallas. Mom lived through all that so she enjoyed going through the museum. We got to wear headphones where we were given an auditory tour. Lincoln got to wear a "child's" version of the tour (in a language format where he could understand). He loved it, he is somewhat of a history buff at a young age. The museum even captured Lawson's attention. Glad to have gone, THANKS MOM. After the museum, we visited Target where Mom went a little overboard on spoiling the boys!!! Thanks Mom!!

Wow this museum stuff is hard work!!

The auditory tour:


Auntie YaYa, Aldo, Taco, and BoBO said...

How much money did the toothe fairy bring u Lincoln???

Jen said...

That looks like fun. I have to do some touristy stuff sometime when I'm in Dallas and/or Houston.