Friday, August 14

Flower Mound Five?

For all of you in the Blogger World out there, we wanted to share our Good News. (if you haven't already heard... the news has spread like wildfire)
I guess we will be The Flower Mound Five come April time.
The boys will be getting a new brother or sister, and we will be getting another little bundle of joy. (Or maybe two???)


Jenny said...

Love it!! Did you know at my shower??? So glad it didn't take long. I am just thrilled for you!!

tkmo said...

Yay!! How very exciting. Best wishes and lots of warm fuzzies.

Auntie YaYa, Aldo, Taco, and BoBO said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!I hope its a boy b/C then i will have 5 nephews and you will end up trying again for a ya