Monday, August 24

Lincoln's 1st day of Kinder. Sniff *** Sniff***
He had a full nights sleep and 2 breakfast's, so he was ready to go!!
I think Lawson is a little sad, and I'm freaking out just a little bit.
Can't wait to pick him up and hear from him how it was.


Anonymous said...

I remember the first day Jason went to kindergarten. He refused to let me walk with him the two blocks to school. My heart was broken! I secretly followed him to make sure all went well. They all grow up too fast. Now my little boy is 33!
Aunt Debbie

Jackson4 said...

He is going to do great!!! If it goes anything like his first day of MDO, he'll be a pro in NO TIME! :) Yea Lincoln!

Jenny said...

I'm sure he's going to LOVE kindergarten! You've prepared him well.