Friday, August 14

I've had this blog for 3 years now, why ruin a good thing?

ok ok ok now I have to keep my Blog. I'm going to want to document all this fun pregnancy and baby stuff.
Plus, I can do that cute pregnancy ticker thing over there to the left. Doesn't the baby look so funny/odd/but cute at this stage?
Lincoln used to check "aunt" Tiffany's blog every day to see how her baby was growing. So, as soon as I told him I was pregnant it wasn't long afterwards that he logged into my blog to see if that Fetus ticker thing was there. Soooo, tomorrow when he checks he will be happy to know he can now check on our new baby's growth.
Lincoln also reminded me: Now Mommy you can't drink coffee anymore while you are pregnant!! Thanks for reminding me!! I asked him how he knew that and he said "he just knew". I have a feeling he will be watching out for me to follow all the rules!!
And of course, Lawson is excited to be able to be a Big brother, and he says that Lincoln will be the Bigger Big brother.... They are already coming up with Baby names, and making all kinds of plans. I'ts going to be a loooong 8 more months for these little ones!
We are thinking we are due at the end of April, but will find out a more specific due date in a couple of weeks. My last 2 baby's were born in the Winter, so this is going to be new and exciting for me. So far, I don't feel "pregnancy" sick. But I am struggling with a cold/sinus thing, and to top that off the caffeine detox.


Auntie YaYa, Aldo, Taco, and BoBO said...

WE HAVE TO NAME IT!!!!!! yaya

Auntie YaYa, Aldo, Taco, and BoBO said...

are you aloud to have any tea?? would that help with the coffee withdraw.....i love the lil baby tracker..what if its there a double baby tracker

Jen said...

What names have the boys been picking out for the baby?