Friday, February 15

Valentine's Down

What did Valentine's Day look like at The Flower Mound Four Home??
Woke up, I hid a present for each of them to search for. Got the presents out of thier Christmas stash. Lawson got a LeapFrog Guitar and Lincoln got a Pirate Potatoe head. Then we started making the cheesecake for Ron. We all pitched in and it turned out delicious (and huge...). The boys spent the morning making Valentine's Day cards for Daddy (with bugs). Lincoln finished his Valentine's for school. After lunch, Lincoln had preschool and Lawson and I ran some errands. When Daddy got home we had a nice dinner and cheesecake. Daddy got a new comforter for his bed from Mommy, some peeps and jelly belly's, some losing lottery tickets. And that's for the excitement around here.... Ron and I have a babysitter for another night, and we will have our date.


Jennifer said...

Sounds like a good day! I'm glad the cheesecake turned out.

Courtney said...

no picture of the cheesecake??