Monday, January 21


We'd like to present to you our "visitor" and possibly our new pet. Her name is Miss Lucky. Long Story on the name. She is a 53 lb Golden Retriever and is 3.5 yrs old. She is very well trained, and she is fitting quite well with our family. This dog is lots easier than our last.... Like I said she freaks out for pictures, but this is the best I got. The. Boys. Love. Her....
Some of you know, I'm just not a dog person. But this is something I was willing to do for my two (active) boys, as they just love love love dogs.....


Courtney said...

She reminds me of Kelly. It looks like Lincoln has a new best friend.

The Wilson Crew said...

Oh my gosh!! She looks so much like Kelly!!! Even down to the white patches of fur on her feet!Who does she sleep with?

Aunt Joanna said...

Lincoln has a new buddy to play fetch with. COOL move daddy and mommy. Lincoln looks very happy.

Anonymous said...

beautiful dog....looks right at home. wow very cool.

Anonymous said...

What a cute picture!! Lincoln already looks like he's in love!