Friday, January 11


Lincoln wanted me to add these pics to the blog. These are 2 of his "best buds" at preschool. The little girl is Taylor. She also goes to our church, and also has been in gymnastics classes with Lincoln. The boy is Josh. His first male friend...ever... We are going to have him over soon. Lincoln asked me today... "Mommy, when Lawson gets a little bit older can we start calling him Josh??"...
The morning of the birthday party, my multi talented hubby got online and learned how to make hats and other things out of balloons. So you will see in all the bday pics the balloon hats... made by ron. I'm not sure who made this contraption on Lincolns head. It was fun bc everyone was trying to make different things.


Anonymous said...

Too cute!! It looks like Lincoln has a "perma-grin" on his face the whole time at the party!

Anonymous said...

Lincoln looks like he has Rabbit ears on....He is so funny! LOL