Tuesday, October 12

Mommy's Boy

Brag Alert!!!
We are very proud parents after an exceptional parent/teacher conference with Lincoln's 1st grade teacher, and he brought home an awesome report card... He made the A honor roll (he actually gets number grades this year!)
He is reading at level 6, and left Kinder reading level 4. (she said most students stay the same or go down after summer break). I'm glad all that summer reading has paid off!
Perfect Attendance thus far. He made a 100% on his 1st spelling test last week, and 2 of the words (which I thought were hard for the 1st test!) that he got right were: October and Pumpkins.
I also like that so far, we have NEVER had a problem with getting him up in the am's. At 7am, I go in and wake him up once... he gets dressed and ready and comes right out. He's such a GOOD boy!!!

Lincoln loves his teacher, and he's the type of student that is always picking roses/flowers from home to bring her, along with big bright shiny red apples! He is always offering to help her in class, and she said that when she is "teaching" from the chair and the students sit on the floor, that he sits RIGHT in front of her dead front and center and is practically touching her feet! She also refers to him as her "buddy"!

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