Friday, October 15

6 month pose

Amongst all the other craziness in our lives this week (pumpkin patch, teacher conferences, soccer practice and game, bible study, dr checkup, dentist appointment, playdate x2, bible study, cubbies/Sparks, swim practice, preschool, homework, school projects, chores, housework, cooking, baking, crafts (yes I'm looking at my calendar!) ), I had to make it a point to get boy #3 in for his 6 month old photo. By the 3rd time, I have realized to settle for the package which is just one pose verses feeling the need to have one picture of every single pose and then having buyers regret when I get home with an empty wallet!!! So, this is the pose... so I have lot's and lot's of them if you would like one!!!


Ron said...

Yes, please send me one. I really like the picture he looks so big!!

Jennifer said...

Love it!! I want one!