Sunday, April 4

Easter 2010

Happy Easter from the Flower Mound Four, soon to be Flower Mound Five!!!
Wow, what a busy but fun filled day!!! Boys woke up at 6am excited to see if the Easter Bunny stopped by, which of course he did! He hid Lawson's basket in the baby's crib and Lincoln's basket in the oven! He even hid coin filled eggs throughout the house since I left a note letting him know that we were having a candy-free Easter this year (thanks to our last dental visit!).
After a great breakfast made by Ron, we headed to an awesome church service! Ate out at our usual Sunday restaurant, and headed home to prepare for our neighborhood Easter Egg hunt, that we were hosting. About 30 neighbors showed up, and we had collected about 300plus eggs to hide! Finished our night with a ham dinner, and a bike ride/walk to the park. Amongst all the hustle and bustle of the day, we kept the real meaning of the season first and foremost on our minds: He has Risen!!! Thank you Thank You Thank You Jesus for dying on the cross to save us from our sins!
Boy, am I exhausted, hoping I can actually get some sleep tonight!
PS: Ron got us an iPad, so we've been having fun playing/learning that all day!!!

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