Tuesday, April 13

Baby update

Baby Lennox had his first outing yesterday to the doc's. He has an e-Colin infection in his eye, not uncommon. Drops for a week. His weight went from 7 9oz to 6 15oz. So the race is on to get him to gain half an oz a day to bring him up. Everything else looked great. Ron and i were surprised that while there we had to get tetanus shots and whooping cough vaccines for ourselves!
Baby is a bundle of joy... He is a sleepy head!!! The boys are proud big brothers! Neighbors and friends have gone above and beyond helping with boys, rides, bringing meals,etc.... I feel truly blessed,
Lawson thinks there is still another baby in my belly!!! Lincoln thinks my belly feels like a trampoline.... Lol

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Both those boys are hillarious! Lenox is truely beautiful. I'm very happy for you all. Love you my Texas family. Mom I hope you have a blast holding on to that little bundle of joy. How precious!