Friday, November 14

Mr. Responsible

Lincoln, our 4 3/4 yr old is so incredibly responsible it's a little odd. Here are some examples:

1. Before we are leaving for somewhere, he says "go ahead Mom, you and Lawson go out to the car I will take of things". Then he proceeds to go through the entire house to turn off the lights, he shuts down the computer completely, puts Lucky in her kennel and gives her a snack and checks the locks. The little man of the house when Daddy is gone!!

2. On Tuesdays, he bring a paper bag with a letter on it home. He is supposed to find something that starts with that letter and bring it back on Thursday for show and tell.... Well usually Tuesday afternoon or evening, he just goes and gets his bag and goes and puts something in there and puts it back in his backpack. All w/o me even knowing.... So when I bring it up, he always tells me "I already did that mom"....

3. Lately his thing is... going into a room and saying "don't come in here, I'm going to surprise you"... of course at this point I know exactly what he is doing, but I play along.... He will totally clean up that room. He will close the door to his room and make his bed, pick up all the toys, etc... He also will close the door to my bedroom and make MY bed, or clean the living room or Lawson's room. All just to get my excited reaction!!!

4. He completely gives himself a bath. No help at all from me... Starting with filling the tub, shampooing his hair, washing his body, letting the water out, picking up anything in the bathtub, getting out and drying off, combing his own hair and putting on his PJ's. .... It's great. I give him a chore point for completely giving himself a bath... every chore point is worth 25 cents... Now we are working on getting Lawson to do most of his bath himself.

5. At Lawson's nap time, Lincoln will often put him to bed. He will read Lawson one book, sing him one song, one prayer, tuck him in, get him anything else he needs... and Lawson will go RIGHT to bed for him unlike for me.... It's great. I've tried to record this on video but have ruined the moment!!!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

WOW! Lincoln IS really responsible. Must a testimony of all your good parenting ;)