Thursday, November 20

The Feast

Today I got to spend a couple of hours up with Lincoln at his preschool. Today was his Thanksgiving Feast and Party. It was nice to see him in his school element and be able to observe how he is as a student and a friend. The teachers had sent feathers home for each student to decorate however they wish, and they made this turkey with all the feathers. I'll let you guess which feather Lincoln made..... (hint... he did NOT spend much time on his unfortunately!)...
Lincoln and his other Indian BFF Abby...The other half of the kids were pilgrims.


Anonymous said...

hey cuteness...i love u....i cant wait to see u...miss u......yaya

Tiffany said...

Lincoln is turning into quite the ladies man. He's gonna be a heartbreaker, especially with those eyes.

He's too cute. If I knew there was a little person reading my blog I would make more of an attempt to be more "kid" friendly!

He can call me Aunt Tiff. He reminds me of Miss Dan'Lyn when she was around his age. She didn't understand how Courtney and I were sisters but she and I were not related. We're all connected one way or the other ;)

Big hugs from the Smokeys!
