Wednesday, November 5

Just some thoughts...

I'm reading about all these snow and ice storms around the country. Here in Dallas, it's going to be 85 degree's today!

Looks like we will be in for a wild ride the next four years. I'm shocked, stunned, and a bit worried. But we will be praying for our country.

On a different note, My DAD, Grandpa Lucek to the boys, will be coming in for a quick trip next weekend. Looking forward to seeing him, he lives near Chicago so we don't see him much.

The boys are going through growth spurts, literally growing out of clothes overnight!! I had a few requests for sizes for Christmas, so here their new sizes are:
Lincoln: boys 6 in shirts and pants
Lawson: 4T shirts, 3T pants

I found a new favorite perfume!!! Possibilities at Ann Taylor. Jen you would like it, it kind of reminds me of that Ann Klien we used to wear. I mentioned to Ron that I liked the sample I got last time I shopped there.... Literally w/in the hour... He had snuck out, bought me a bottle, and hid it under my pillow!!! Thanks Ron!! Did I mention he also brought me home flowers last week????

Just finished reading James Pattersons Sunday at Tiffany's... A cute romance.... Very unrealistic but I really enjoyed the easy read!! Now I just have to finish the other 4 books that I am half way into!! I've been doing a Blog Book Club through my church. We just read the assigned book and discuss it on the blog... works great for me!!

Lawson hasn't adjusted to the time change. So, he has been getting a little bit before 6:00 am every morning. Did I mention that I'm not a morning person?? Hope he adjusts soon, I'd like to sleep to at least 7am, but I guess we can't always get what we ask for.

Today is a "stay at home day" with nothing planned. These are the days that we have to get really creative..... I love the boys ages, because when we are at home they will just play and play and play together for hours. They "make up" these games..... they call them: Monsters Inc, Fire, Tickle Monster, Dinosaurs, to name a few.
They are just so precious.... We are so blessed.

Pretty much all is good here....


Wilson Family said...

Hi Cynthia... Thanks for the comment on my blog!:) I am so bad about looking at blogs. I am really actually bad about posting on mine even.LOL
That was sooo sweet of your husband to go out and buy you that perfum! My hubby's really sweet, but not so keen on my hints!LOL
Glad you guys had a good date!
Parker and I went to WinKids this morning for a free trial Gym-Tots class. We loved it, but I am not sure I can talk my husband into spending that much on the classes. Do you guys take classes there?

Wilson Family said...

Aww... Cute Hulk and Power Ranger! Those fake muscles sure are scary!:)

Wilson Family said...

Ooops... I meant to post that on the blog entry with the picture of them with the Power Rangers and Hulk costume on. My computers acting weird!LOL