Monday, July 7

BathTub Paints

While Lincoln was at Vacation Bible School this morning, I made some bath paints for Lawson to play with.

I gave him one of Daddy's paintbrushes, and he had a blast. He said he was painting the bath like Daddy painted the fence....

Shhhhh... Don't tell Ron we did this. One of his pet peeves is anything to do with kids, paints and baths all together. BUT, these paints had a much easier cleanup than the store bought ones. Ron will never know, we cleaned up every last drop!!

In every cupcake holder put:

  1. 1 TBSP Cornstarch
  2. 2 TBSP Baby Liquid Soap
  3. 4 drops of food coloring


Tiffany said...

what a FANTASTIC idea....sounds like lots of fun.

Jenny said...

My friend Randi did the exact same post yesterday! You must read from the same book! Check out her blog:

Anonymous said...

how funny....Ron flips over this have no evidence that this even occured>>>except for this,,yaya