Thursday, December 6


It's been sunny and in the 70's here. Tomorrow is forcasted to be 78 degree's. Not actually what you think of for December weather, well here in Texas yes. It's hard to believe all our family up north in New York experiencing SNOW... And lot's of it. Keep warm Guys, we'll be thinking of you....Someone in NY told us it was 9 degree's where they were.... Brrrr...
At least the boys have been able toplay outside a bit since we are stuck at home. When we are stuck at home, you get lot's of blog entries from me!!


tom lucek said...

Here in Peoria the high will be 32 degrees with 3 to 5 inches of snow falling tonight.

Anonymous said...

I'm loving the weather in SA as well. I'm also loving all the blog entries!!

Dad - stay warm!