Sunday, June 3

The Bounce House

We put up our BOUNCE HOUSE today. Boys had a blast. We also blew bubbles, sprayed silly sprayed, snacked on the picnic table, and just had lots of fun. Daddy grilled out our tradition Sunday night Steaks!!


Anonymous said...

What wonderful parents you guys are!! All the great memories the boys will bring up when they grow up!!

Anonymous said...

What are you chewing on Loncoln? You are covered in Blue, all over your shirt. Your bounce house looks fun!

Belle Of Santa Fe said...

looks fun i wish i had one well i could just go across the street because their dad owns a moonwalk place and i get everything half off exept the trains that they make for little kids like lincoln and lawson they are trains that the parents control and the kids sit in the back and enjoy the ride they are pretty fun lol