Thursday, September 30

Lawson versus (another) Lawson

Lawson, our super soccer star, met his match tonight at the game. On the opposing team, there was another boy named Lawson! Coincidentally, the other Lawson was also #5, and the 2 Lawson's were the stars of the team. So confusing for Lawson (ours) to be hearing a stand full of people yelling for the other Lawson.... Anyways despite the other Lawson, he had another great game and now realized that he may have to start practicing for the next time we are up against that team!
***** note: as I was talking to the other Lawson's mom, I found out that she has a daughter (or a dog, I couldn't understand her with all the yelling) named Lennox!!! What are the odd's???
*****note #2: Lawson (ours) is in the white shirt, #5!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

That's funny!! What a great the 1st pic the other Lawson resembles your Lawson! Maybe they'll grow up to be buds!