Tuesday, September 14

Baby Food Fun

I have concluded that baby food making is addictive! Once you begin, it's hard to stop! It's surprising how easy it is to make so much! The "easy" way it basically steam the veggies, puree, place in ice cube trays, freeze, pop out the cubes, and place in freezer in zip lock bag. When you need them, you just grab a cube (a portion) out of the ziplock. I have about 3 months worth of squash, sweet potatoes, and carrots in the freezer. Surprisingly easy, and so rewarding to feed your baby fresh veggies that you have prepared versus the alternatives.


Jennifer said...

I may have to try that - I'm sure it saves a ton of money, too!

Tiffany said...

Isn't it fun??!! I had fun making Gavin's baby food, I am glad you are enjoying it too.