Thursday, June 11

Pepe Le Pew

Is it normal for a child to Loooove the smell of skunk? My son (Lincoln) can't stop talking about how good skunk smell is. I was thinking it's not normal, but then my sister (won't tell you which one) told me that she too likes the smell?!?! Could it be in the genes? Wondering if anyone else there enjoys the skunk aroma?
PS to my family in Houston who witness this strange behavior... Since our return, Lincoln hasn't stopped talking about the smell... talking about dreaming about skunks, etc... I'm pretty sure there may be a disorder for this???


Courtney said...


Anonymous said...

he might have a mineral deficiency...check out the PICA disorder...seriously...yaya

mom said...

It must be Jen that likes the skunk smell!! When she was younger she used to chew ice ALL THE TIME and I told her she was was low in iron. When she started to take iron pills she stopped chewing ice. Maybe now it's a different mineral she needs. it you??

The Wilson Crew said...

Well, I know for sure it isn't me and there is only one other sister. I won't mention any names here...Did Lincoln happen to mention that our dog, Hunter, got sprayed by a skunk earlier this week? We bathed him in tomato juice and had him professionally cleaned with special shampoo at Petsmart...and he still smells!!!