Monday, June 29

Boat Drama

Tom, you can stop checking the Blog for a picture of the new boat!!!

We owned the boat less than 15 hours before we returned it!!!

I'll spare you all the details, but when we took the boat out on the lake (alone) it had some problems. It's not a good thing when you have been in the lake for 5 minutes, and the boat stalls out for over an hour... Amongst some other problems we were not aware of... Needless to say, we were boat owners for one day. And Lincoln even got to drive the boat!!!

Now back to the "looking for a boat" stage. (or maybe we should get an RV?!?!?!)


Tom said...

Sorry to hear that, at least you got one day out on the lake. It's a good thing you found all the problems so quick and were able to return it, otherwise you would have been stuck with one expensive headache.

Kim V. said...

So glad you could return it! Look at it as a blessing in disguise.

Jenny said...

How crazy! Glad you could take it back!