Wednesday, May 6

This makes my Mother's Day!

From Lincoln (age 5) to me for Mother's Day:

I love you because:
You let me make some of my own decisions.
You make candy for me, Infinity (Divinity).
You are a good mom, you aren't better than God, but you are still really good.
You protect me.
I was in your tummy, and you let me out.
You never hit me.
You never punch me.
You are a good good good good Mom.
You drive us to surprise places, and birthday parties and Universal Studio's.
You go on rides with me.
You do wonderful things with me in my dreams.
I like making you happy.

From Lawson, age 3:
I love you because:
You take me rollerskating.
You have playtime with me.
I love you.
You let me see a birdhouse in Florida.
You give me hugs and kisses.
You sing to me and read to me at night night time, and put my blanket on.


Jen said...

Awww! That's sweet - what a great mom's day gift!

Anonymous said...

That was the cutest those conversations that u post...true love...(yaya)