Wednesday, May 27

The Arbor

Stage ONE of our total front yard makeover: The Arbor
Ron chose to spend his birthday weekend designing and constructing this arbor, from yes scratch!! It was quite the weekend project. And he only busted one water line! The arch will soon have vines and flowers growing on it, and there will be a rock walkway through the arbor.

But for now, the 1st stage is done.

Since we have moved into this house 3 yrs ago, we have had a total of 3 rounds of grass put in. Nothing stays. It's either that there is just too much shade from the 2 large tree's, or it's because the kids and dogs and neighbors kids and dogs have trampled it.... So, we decided instead of more grass, or our current "dirt" front yard, that we will have the entire yard landscaped.

Stay tune for more front yard updates...

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

we have a similar situation with our wooded yards. I look forward to seeing your landscape creation. I think my project this summer will be to landscape the mailbox. Next summer I guess I'll tackle the front tree where nothing grows because of all the shade. I am thinking a large, oblong raised bed with lots of shady plants and maybe a walkway that leads to a small social area. Not sure yet.