Thursday, May 21

Monkeying Around

Lincoln, just hanging out in one of our crepe myrtles. He's so sweet. Wish all of you could get to know him!
His last day ever of preschool was today, which is bittersweet. I know he will miss his teachers and friends. But on the other hand, he is just filled with excitement about Kindergarten. And mostly excited about taking the Bus!

We are looking forward to a fun filled summer. The boys won't be missing a beat. I have tons of things planned for them!! Lincoln will be in piano lessons and swim lessons (Win Kids). Lawson will be in Soccer Tots. We have started a playgroup which will meet once a week (with all 3 and 5 yr olds...). They will be doing a couple of summer camps at Win Kids, and possibly the YMCA, they will be going to a couple of Vacation Bible School's, and last but not least.... Swimming at the CAC (Flower Mound Community Pool). In June we will go to Houston for Matthew's graduation, and in July Ron and I will go on the Reunion cruise.


Angie said...

He is going to have so much fun next year. I bet he will miss you lots though. What a cute pic.

Courtney said...

He is a sweet boy. Reminds me of his cousin Matthew. Miss you all lots and can't wait to see you in June and again in July!!!

Auntie YaYa, Aldo, Taco, and BoBO said...

hey cutenes...i miss you