Monday, May 18

Kids say the Funniest Things

Lincoln (age 5) was running back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. When I asked him what he was doing he that he was "running for president".
hmmmm I'm thinking that during the whole election process recently, when he was talking about McCain and Obama running for president, in his little mind he saw them actually "running...".

Lawson (age 3) says out of the blue... "Mommy they have stop signs, so why don't they have Go signs?"

Lincoln tells me at dinner tonight, "Mommy I love you to the moon and back, to China and back, and to the grocery store and back"... lol

Lawson gets the words marshmallow and mushrooms confused. So, he says funny things like he wants marshmallows on his pizza and mushrooms on his ice cream.

Kids are hilarious. I laugh all day long at them... I realized that I need to start writing more of these things down.


Jen said...

Very funny!! You definitely need to write those down.

Tiffany said...

Hilarious! Thanks for the laugh. I can't wait for Gavin to get to that stage. Right now all he does is grunt.