Monday, December 29

The Broken Arm Story

So, I'm just realizing that I never filled you in on how Lincoln broke his arm, so here are the short and long stories, pick one...

Short Story: He fell off the foot board of his bed while reaching for his shelf, fell on the wooden floor just right in order to break the bone....

Long Story: If you ask Lincoln how he broke his arm, he will say it was because he was going to deliver Christmas cookies to the neighbor.... Well, I figured out that he didn't remember his fall.... I told him to go get his coat so he could take over some cookies.... He went into his room, and climbed up his bed foot board to get his coat that was hanging on the hook on the shelf. I wasn't in there, but I'm assuming he lost his balance, I heard a pretty loud boom. When I ran in there I was more concerned about his head which was growing a large bump.... He told me is arm hurt, but it wasn't swelling or anything.... Anyway, the next we got x-rays taken, and found out that his Radius bone was broken.... That's about it... Not too exciting of a story....

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