Friday, October 16


You can't edit a poll once there are votes, and I have a typ-o!
I'm sure you have figured out that I mean that you are voting for what you THINK we are having, and not HOPING that we are having (ok ok ok, we all know what you are HOPING we are having, that's obvious...)
Loving it, right now my poll is tied 5 to 5.
By the way, we are 100% absolutely excited if it's a boy OR a girl. For obvious reasons, it would be awesome to have a girl, BUT 3 boys: how fun would that be? I know I love boys, and know how to be a boy mom, and can you imagine all 3 brothers growing up together??? But then again, all those ruffles and pink bows, blonde curls on a girl??? I'm torn either way. Just looking forward to finding out.
I'ts 65 and sunny, I'm going outside!

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