Thursday, October 15

Time at Kinder

Today I got to help out in Lincoln's classroom. His teacher was doing testing, so I got to monitor and help out the kids with their class assignment. I've done my share of substitute teaching in my past, so it was natural for me to be helping the class. I'm going back next week, and will probably work this hour in as a regular "volunteer".
My hour in the kindergarten was pretty interesting. Let's just say I've learned which kids that won't be invited to Lincoln's "drop off" birthday party! Not that Lincoln would have invited any misbehaved kids..... It's amazing how just one misbehaved child can be such a distraction to the learning environment in a classroom. I feel for those teachers that have to spend the majority of the time dealing with one or two disruptive kids instead of focussing on the well behaved, eager to learn students. Public school! Needless to say, I'm very happy with Lincoln's school and with his teacher. I was also very proud of Lincoln in class today, he's probably every teachers dream student!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I bet that was a lot of fun!! I would love to see Lincoln in school!